How is herbalism different than functional medicine?
Many conditions that I address - and see an excellent response to with herbs - aren’t even acknowledged by functional or conventional medicine, let alone treated. Healing these issues can lead to improvement in energy, digestion, cognitive function, systemic inflammation, and more.

Chronic Illness and asking different questions
If you feel like you’ve run out of questions to ask about your health, we should meet.

When a chronic illness isn’t an illness
Your illness is very real but it might not be something that will ever be addressable with conventional medicine.

Can herbalism cure chronic fatigue?
As the famed microbiologist, Louis Pasteur, was reputed to have said at the end of his life, “it's not the microbe, it’s the terrain.” Herbalism is the way to change one’s terrain in a medical-like way.

When studies show that herbs don’t work, here are three reasons why
It’s not that herbs can’t withstand a rigorous, scientific study, but it’s important to understand that studies rarely take into account the way in which herbs are actually used.

Preparing to get sick - An herbalist view of COVID-19
At some point, most us will get COVID-19. How to help your body be as prepared as possible to mount an appropriate response.

My typical herbal client
If you can relate to this person’s experience, we should meet. This is definitely someone I can help.

How a small imbalance can make a big difference
If you’ve ever ridden in a car with a tire out of balance, you know what big difference a small imbalance can make.

7 things you should know about herbalism
Everyone knows ABOUT herbalism, but how much do you really KNOW about herbalism?

How wellness and chronic illness are related
There comes a time in a chronic illness when diet and lifestyle alone are not enough for your body to recover and become well again.