About Herbalism

Knowing what herbalism is and isn’t can be immensely helpful for someone just starting

You probably have taken herbs before as a replacement for medication. Sometimes this can be effective. There is excellent research supporting the use of St. John’s wort for depression, feverfew and butterbur for the reduction of migraine headaches, saw palmetto for an enlarged prostate… these are just a few examples. However, herbs are most effective when they are not simply used in place of drugs. Their true power is when they are used to change the body’s system, unblocking impediments that stop it from functioning properly.

Consider the following typical, basic approaches for heartburn:

Conventional medicine - symptom suppression - drugs to neutralize or reduce stomach acid

Functional medicine - nutrient replacement - stomach acid and/or enzymes supplements to replace what is missing

Herbalism - system support - herbs that stimulate stomach acid and enzyme production

I’m very complimentary of modern medicine and the amazing diagnostic tools they have developed. They are generally not as effective in managing chronic conditions beyond merely managing symptoms. This is a shortcoming of their diagnostic structure. Conventional medicine is designed to work with a diagnosis. Without a recognizable medical problem, they don’t have anything to use their tools on.

Herbalism’s diagnostic framework considers symptoms and then looks deeper at the conditions which are causing or allowing them. It doesn’t need a specific diagnosis to be useful in helping you regain health.